2012年7月6日 星期五

git 相關

git error
fatal: unable to create 'abc/.git/index.lock' File exist.
If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier, Make sure no other git process is running and remove the file manual to continue.

remove ../.git/index.lock
ex: rm -r ./.git/index.lock

git command
1. repo sync
2. repo start new_branch . (新增 branch)
3. git branch (確認branch狀態)
4. git branch -d branch_name( 刪除branch)
5. git diff > diff.txt ( 將有修改的檔名的不同處存下來)
6. git status (顯示所有有動變的檔案)
7. git commit -a
8. git show HEAD( show上一個commit 資訊)
9. repo upload . (實際上傳到server)

1 git add .
2. git commit --amend
3. repo upload .

git checkout branch_name

將存下的 patch加入source code 之中(打 patch)
patch -R p1 < xxx.patch --dry-run

git checkout -- filename

git add -p file_name(只加這一個檔案,有時路徑下有很多檔案修改,但只想上傳這一個)

新增 folder
git add folder_name(先新增folder, 才會出現此folder下的檔案)
PS. 如果新增一個空資料夾,必須在此資料夾加一個隱藏檔

取得git log並格式化
git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s"

MSVCR100D.dll missing

MSVCR100D.dll missing
MS: Miscrosoft
V: visual
C: C++
R: Redistributable

1. in VS, project properity
2. configuration > C++ Generation
3. change to Multi-thread (/MT)

1. same with release
2. change to Multi-thread Debug (/MTd)

Windows 8 相關

metro app execute directly(直接執行metro app)
1. VS2011 tool bar :
    Project > store > create app package > Build a package to use local only
2. There is added a folder "Packages" in Project, find file "Add-AppxDevPackage.bat",
    press mouse right key then select "Run as administrator".

Trun on or off windows features ( enable .net framework 3.5)
control panel >Programs > Programs Features > Turn windows Features on or off > check or uncheck Feature.

if Enable .Net Framework 3.5, but result is fail, then.

1. mount windows 8 image (XXX.iso)
2. find file inside \sources\sxs
3. copy *.* from \sources\sxs\*.* to a temp folder, ex: c:\net35\*.*
4. execute cmd.exe as administrator. (cmd.exe in c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe,  按右鍵,run as administrator)
5. type command in cmd.exe
    c:\windows\system32> Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:c:\net35 /LimitAccess
6. The result : The operation completed successfully.

Search files
ex: 'ABC' in *.txt


1. 將grep出來的文字replace
grep -rl matchstring somedir | xargs sed -i 's/string1/string2/g'
ex: grep -rl 'ABCD' * |xargs sed -i 's/ABCD/HEF/g'

(1) sed  "s/\r//" dos_file  > dos_file_linux
(2) sed -i 's/\x0D$//' filename.txt

3. mount iso
sudo mount -t auto -o loop xxx.iso /mnt/iso

4. 安裝deb
 dpkg -i abc.deb

5. 轉換PNG到PPM
 (1) apt-get install netpnm
 (2) pngtopnm sample.png > linuxlogo.pnm
 (3) pnmquant 224 linuxlogo.pnm > linuxlogo224.pnm
 (4) pnmtoplainpnm linuxlogo224.pnm > linuxlogo_clut224.ppm

PS. 如果要取代原linux logo, replace driver/vide/logo下的原圖檔.

5. copy folder to server
scp -r folder_name user@
ex: scp -r TVBox favoritepili@

6. Download file from server
scp -r user@ /home/user
ex: scp -r favoritepili@ /home/favoritepili

7. unload driver
sduo modprobe -r vboxpci

8. list module
(1) lsmod | grep vbox
(2) modprobe -l | grep vbox

9. load module
modprobe vboxdrv